The adjustment pipes are the basic element of furnishing the furniture. The adjustment tubes and modules are compatible with Treston's TP, Concept, RTP and HEVI workbenches. In TP and RTP work tables, the adjustment pipes are attached to the table's mounting frame, which can be ordered separately. The adjustment pipes are attached directly to other table models. The most common width of Treston accessories is M750 = 750mm. Other sizes are M500, M900, M1000, M1200, M1500 and M1800. The adjustment tubes are attached about 300mm from the table, so the useful height is always -300mm. You can build the control pipes yourself from parts or buy a ready-made control pipe module that contains all the necessary parts.
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- The load capacity of one module interval is 100 kg. - The horizontal profile of the adjustment tubes can be installed either way |