Avesta Pickling Bath 302 is a concentrate that should be diluted with water depending on the stainless steel grade.
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Standard applications: The bath fluid is recommended for immersion pickling of small objects and for pickling surfaces that are time-consuming to brush or spray pickle. It can also be used for circulation pickling of pipe systems. Features: - Restores stainless steel surfaces that have been damaged during fabrication operations such as welding, forming, cutting and blasting. It removes weld oxides, the underlying chromiumdepleted layer and other defects that may cause local corrosion. - Working life; the bath fluid is consumed during usage and the effective working life of the bath fluid is determined by the amount of acids and dissolved metals. The bath fluid should hence be analyzed regularly, and new acid should be added when needed in order to obtain an optimal pickling result. We may assist with this analysis service. |